Why do we need a studio space at Mulvarra?
Mulvarra has operated successfully as a B&B for over 20 years. We took over in June 2017 and have continued to welcome visitors from all over the world ever since. We believe that Mulvarra has a massive potential to be so much more than a comfortable place to stay.
With the addition of a studio space, the possibility has opened up for Mulvarra to become a valuable resource. We will be serving both the local community and anyone who decides to come for a workshop or to just come and relax in the peaceful environment of St Mullins.
Ultimately we plan to offer a range of different types of events ranging from yoga and mindfulness to arts and traditional crafts. Equally, we welcome other trainers in any area who would like to make use of the Breathing Space and work together with us to create a real haven for visitors.