Summer Solstice gathering Friday 21st June

Join us for a summer garden party

To celebrate the Summer Solstice and also as a way of thanking our regular yoga class attendees, we are inviting you to join us at 745pm here at Mulvarra House on Friday 21st June.
Please book below to secure your place. Due to parking restrictions, we have to limit the size to 20 people(with some car sharing ideally), so booking is strictly first come first served, and also one booking per person.
We will have some light food feel free to bring your own drink. Feel free to come earlier to join the free yoga class down on the river bank in St Mullins, no booking is required for this, as it is a separate event. the class starts at 630pm sharp just beside the picnic tables in front of the Mullichain Cafe. Again, no booking is required for the yoga class, just for the gathering up at the house afterwards.